San Antonio Indecent Exposure Defense Attorney
What Qualifies as Indecent Exposure?
The crime of indecent exposure is more common than most people think. While some instances of this type of sex crime are pranks, other instances are serious and are considered to be a criminal offense. As such, it can carry serious penalties that may ultimately threaten your future and your freedom.
The act itself is defined as the purposeful display of a person’s genitals in public. Generally, this act includes the knowledge that one’s exposure will be seen. In addition, this act is purposefully done with the intent for some form of sexual gratification or to offend others.
This crime can be sexual behavior in a public setting, public masturbation, or going outside without clothing. One of the most common forms of indecent exposure is urinating in public.
If you or someone you know has been charged with indecent exposure in Bexar County or throughout the surrounding Texas communities, contact the Emmons Law Firm, P.C. for a free consultation with San Antonio indecent exposure defense attorney Derek Emmons. With over 20 years of legal experience and a track record of success, he is well-equipped to defend you against all types of sex crime charges.
Call our office today at (210) 702-3054 for a free and confidential consultation.
Penalties for Indecent Exposure in Texas
Whatever the circumstances of your indecent exposure charges, remember that the burden of proof is on the prosecution. The crime itself is considered a misdemeanor. Under the law, the charge will be punished by up to 6 months of jail time, as well as a fine of up to $200.
An indecent exposure crime committed in the presence of a minor carries a much harsher punishment, as well as the possibility of having to register as a sex offender. A permanent record of this type of conviction can negatively affect a person’s life. If you qualify, you may be able to have your record expunged. However, you must meet certain strict criteria to do so.
Emmons Law Firm, P.C. Indecent Exposure Legal Counsel
If you are facing indecent exposure charges get help from a qualified San Antonio indecent exposure defense attorney right away. Though you may believe your charges to not be serious, you could end up facing harsh consequences that can affect various aspects of your life.
The Emmons Law Firm, P.C. will fight to protect your legal rights. Attorney Derek Emmons can answer your questions, explain your legal options, and work to achieve the best possible outcome for your case.
Call (210) 702-3054 today to speak to Attorney Derek Emmons about your situation during a free, confidential consultation.

Derek W. Emmons fights for the rights of those falsely accused of a crime in the San Antonio area. His skill, tenacity, and experience are committed to protecting your rights. You can always expect aggressive representation, personal attention, and dedicated service. For over 20 years, Derek W. Emmons has gone above and beyond for his clients and will do everything possible to help you avoid a criminal conviction.

Derek W. Emmons
"Derek W. Emmons is a criminal law attorney and the owner and founder of the Emmons Law Firm, P.C. Attorney Derek Emmons is a former Assistant District Attorney for Bexar County in the State of Texas. He is fully licensed by the Supreme Court of the State of Texas and the Western District of Texas Federal Court System, which ensures not only a smooth representation in the state courts but also in the federal courts."
Client Reviews
“Mr.Emmons is truly a great attorney.”- Clint D.
“This man became my rock throughout the next year and a half of criminal investigations and legal proceedings.”- Michele B.
“Mr. Emmons was always professional and knowledgeable about the law.”- Pauline B.
“Derek Emmons is an outstanding attorney who treated my son and me with not only respect but compassion.”- Cathy