San Antonio Indecency with a Child Defense Lawyer
What Is Considered Indecency With A Child?
According to the Texas Penal Code, indecency with a child is categorized into two specific crimes. One is indecency with a child by contact, which involves touching, and the other is indecency with a child by exposure, which is exposing without touching.
Depending on the nature of the offense, you could be charged with a second -or third-degree felony, for which the penalties are as follows:
- Second-Degree Felony - 2 to 20 years in prison and $10,000 fine
- Third-Degree Felony - 2 to 10 years in prison and $10,000 fine
Although indecency with a child charges vary, even a first-time offender may be required to register as a sex offender, spend time in jail, and pay a hefty fine.
Contact our firm online or by phone at (210) 702-3054 now for a free, confidential consultation and case evaluation.
Bexar County Indecency With A Child Legal Counsel
Few criminal charges carry the same severity as sex crime charges involving children. In Texas, sex crimes against children are taken very seriously. Additionally, these types of crimes are also federal offenses and, as a result, will be tried and punished at the federal level.
If you are under investigation for a sex crime against a child or have been charged with indecency with a child, contact the Emmons Law Firm, P.C. right away for a free consultation with our San Antonio indecency with a child defense lawyer. You cannot afford to wait, as the prosecution is likely already building its case against you.
If you or someone you know is under investigation, has been arrested, or has been charged with indecency with a child, call us at (210) 702-3054 to arrange a free consultation with a San Antonio indecency with a child defense lawyer.

Derek W. Emmons fights for the rights of those falsely accused of a crime in the San Antonio area. His skill, tenacity, and experience are committed to protecting your rights. You can always expect aggressive representation, personal attention, and dedicated service. For over 20 years, Derek W. Emmons has gone above and beyond for his clients and will do everything possible to help you avoid a criminal conviction.

Derek W. Emmons
"Derek W. Emmons is a criminal law attorney and the owner and founder of the Emmons Law Firm, P.C. Attorney Derek Emmons is a former Assistant District Attorney for Bexar County in the State of Texas. He is fully licensed by the Supreme Court of the State of Texas and the Western District of Texas Federal Court System, which ensures not only a smooth representation in the state courts but also in the federal courts."
Client Reviews
“Mr.Emmons is the best lawyer I've ever hired.”- Aaron L.
“I hope you never need an attorney to defend you. If you do, you need to give Derek Emmons a call. He will do everything to get a fair outcome.”- Liz
“Mr.Emmons is truly a great attorney.”- Clint D.
“I had a Positive experience with Mr. Emmons”- Roy V.